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Service gaming things

author:admin | dateline:2024-7-3 18:34:23 | reading:416| Show all floors
---------------------------------------SERVICE GAMING THINGS---------------------------------------
Change data our country account = FREE
GM commission for mediation in the sale of an account = 5% from price account

-------------------------------------COMBINE WEAPON AND BOOK-------------------------------------
First combine = need prepare weapons 30% all skills + one weapon any skill 30% + take item book for 5000 gold from web . no need to pay service fee
Each next combine = need prepare one weapon 30% any skill . no need to pay service fee
Combine annotation books = need prepare books 10% all skills + one book any skill 10% + take item book for 5000 gold from web . no need to pay service fee

----------------------------------"Seven Techniques of the Flower Goddess" THIMBLES AUCTION----------------------------------
For take thimble from web auction you need to prepare the blacksmith's thimble yourself.
Tool name                                                                                                                                              Promotion Points =  Gold Points
     English                                                       Russia                                         Viet Nam

Descent of the Flower Goddess                   Духи Предков                       Thần Quỷ Mạc Địch                        Starting price: 20.000
Nightstalker                                               Луна и Звезды                      Phi Tinh Đới Nguyệt                       Starting price: 15.000
Floral Feast                                               Бабочка на Цветке               Hoa Tu Điệp Mang                           Starting price: 15.000
Necrid Blossom                                          Возрождение                        Khô Mộc Sinh Hoa                          Starting price: 15.000
Fallen Petals                                             Осыпающиеся Цветы             Phi Hoa Lạc Diệp                            Starting price: 15.000

----------------------------------"Holy Fire Order Secret Script" SKILL AUCTION----------------------------------
Tool name                                                                                                                                         Promotion Points =  Gold Points
English                                                         Russia                                         Viet Nam

Spark of Lightning                                    Искра молнии                       Thạch Hỏa Điện Quang                Starting price: 4.000
Reach for the Flame                                Досягаемости для огня           Hỏa Trung Thủ Lật                        Starting price: 4.000
Bright Flame                                           Ярким Пламенем                 Minh Hỏa Chấp Trượng                   Starting price: 4.000
Spectacle of Flame                                 Зрелище огня                       Cách Ngạn Quan Hỏa                     Starting price: 4.000
Skyward Inferno                                       Ввысь Инферно                    Phong Hỏa Liên Thiên                  Starting price: 4.000
Sea of Flame                                             Море огня                           Đao Sơn Hỏa Hải                        Starting price: 4.000
A Little Spark                                           Маленькая Искра                Tinh Hỏa Liệu Nguyên                   Starting price: 6.000
Three bloody storms                              Три кровавые бури             Tam huyết vũ tinh phong                  Starting price: 6.000

------------------------------------------"CUSTOMERS SERVICE------------------------------------------
About separate rewards for depositing players top up too much:
30,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
50,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
100,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
200,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
300,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
400,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
500,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
600,000 gold/1 time (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)
up to 1,000,000 Gold (In addition to receiving weekly gifts, please contact GM for advice on receiving additional special rewards)

Players who deposit from 200k gold/1 time will receive free support when pairing gloves, weapons, and books without losing anything except the need to prepare the necessary equipment. (There will be a customer service staff dedicated to them)
Players deposit from 500k gold/1 time to 1,000,000 Gold/1 time, all updated information and new martial arts trials as well as notifications will be received as soon as possible. (There will be a customer service staff dedicated to them)
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